“the WOB-format“
World of Barheroes
The following rules and regulations are created by the board of directors of WORLD OF BARHEROES (further stated as “authorities”). With the registration to a WORLD OF BARHEROES competition, every participant (further stated as “athlete”) accepts the following rules and the judging-system. These regulations were created in order to assure fairness, transparency and promote the freestyle aspect and creativity of the sport Streetworkout & Calisthenics and apply to every competition organized by WORLD OF BARHEROES.
All Freestyle Calisthenics competitions in the WORLD OF BARHEORES LEAGUE will be conducted under the rules and regulations of the board of directors of the WORLD OF BARHEROES organization.
2.1. Every athlete in a physical and mental state of competing no matter of gender, nationality or religion can register for the WORLD OF BARHEROES battle and will be treated equally during the selection process (See “3. Selection process”).
2.2. Registration is only possible in the given timeframe when the registration for a specific event is open. After the deadline, no registration will be considered.
2.3. All athletes must have a valid health-insurance.
2.4. Upon registration the athlete confirms that she/he is aware of the risks and takes full responsibility for his health conditions liable for his actions and their possible consequences during both competition and free time.
2.5. All athletes are aware that the travel-costs will not be covered by the organizers.
2.6. All athletes must be legally allowed to travel to the country the event takes place. If a visa is needed, it must be obtained until the registration is submitted.
2.7. All athletes must have basic English or German or Spanish language skills. If not, it is possible to bring a translator to the event at the athlete’s cost.
2.8. Excluded from the competition are:
2.8.1. Organizers of WORLD OF BARHEROES
2.8.2. Judges (on the competition they judge)
2.8.3. People with the impression not possessing the physical or mental state of competing.
3.1. After the registration is closed the selection process will start and the athletes will be informed about their ability to participate minimum 7 weeks in advance of the event.
3.2. The athletes are then obliged to confirm their participation.
3.3. During the selection process the authorities will choose complete athletes which have an above average skillset in the five categories (See 4.3. “Categories”) statics, strength dynamics, dynamics, combo & creativity. The authorities choose the athletes for the competition objectively with their best knowledge and conscience.
3.4. Once an athlete is chosen she/he is entitled to participate at a WORLD OF BARHEORES competition she/he has registered for.
3.5. If an athlete is selected and is not responding or cancels the plan afterwards, she/he is blocked for the next WORLD OF BARHEROES competition. Clauses are listed below and must be proven by doctors or responsible authorities:
3.5.1. Heavy injury or health issue
3.5.2. Death or severe health issue of a relative
3.5.3. Withdrawal to military service
3.5.4. Pregnancy
3.6. Male and female athletes compete in separate competitions.
3.7. The maximum number of participants will not exceed 16 athletes for the male and female battle respectively. Depending on the number of registrations a battle of 8 or 16 will be held.
3.8. The maximum number of participants in the WORLD OF BARHEROES UNDERGROUND LEAGUE will not exceed 8 athletes.
4.1. Battle System
The battle will follow a classic K.O.-system in which the athlete who has won the round will move on accordingly to a battle tree.
Top box: blue; Bottom Box: red
Final & Battle for 3rd Place: Left box: blue; Right box: red
4.2. Round System
4.2.1. During each battle every athlete has alternately two rounds of 45 seconds:
1. Athlete A: 45 seconds
2. Athlete B: 45 seconds
3. Athlete A: 45 seconds
4. Athlete B: 45 seconds
4.2.2. The music will have a 5 seconds intro prior to the 45 seconds round-time.
4.2.3. The round-timer will start after the 5 seconds intro.
4.2.4. The music starts after the DJ and the athlete give a clear sign that both are ready.
4.2.5. The athlete from the blue corner starts.
4.2.6. Right after the last round, the winner will be determined
4.2.7. The music which will be played is discussed in “4.4. Music”
4.3. Categories
The Athletes compete over 5 categories:
4.3.1. “Statics”
A static hold is an element where the body stays in a position for a specific amount of time.
The judges will rate the difficulty of the trick in combination with the cleanness of the execution. A hold will be considered as “failed” if it is held less than 2 seconds. Combining a static-move with a strength-dynamics move (4.3.3. “Strength Dynamics”) the 2 seconds rule will not apply. A fail will lead to a combo interruption (See: 3.2.4 “Combos”)
Examples: Frontlever, Planche, Human Flag, …
4.3.2. “Dynamics”
A dynamic-element is a movement where the athlete is in motion performing spins, flips or any movement which mostly uses momentum. The judges will rate the difficulty of the trick in combination with the cleanness of the execution. A trick will be considered as “failed” if the athlete slips from the bar, doesn’t catch the trick, touches the ground with one or both feet (during a skill that was obviously intended to be landed on the bar) or falls when trying to do a flip (both hands on the ground or shoulder in the ground).
This will lead to a combo interruption (See: 3.2.4 “Combos”)
Examples: Spins (360, 540), Swing gainer, Twist-Flip, Shrimp-Flip
4.3.3. “Strength Dynamics”
During a strength dynamic element, the athlete is also in motion, but uses strength instead of momentum. The judges will rate the difficulty of the trick in combination with the cleanness of the execution. A trick will be considered as “failed” if the athlete loses her/his power and can’t execute the full motion. This will lead to a combo interruption (See: 3.2.4 “Combos”)
Examples: Hefesto, Handstand Push-Up, Slow Muscle-Up
4.3.4. “Combos”
In this category the judges will evaluate how the athlete combines the 3 movements stated above. The length, the flow, difficulty of the tricks and the diversity will be considered. Interruptions are stated in the respective categories.
4.3.5. “Creativity”
Four sub-categories are considered as creative. In order of priority (1 = most important):
1. MUSIC FIT: The athlete aligns his combo to the music.
2. USE of the SET-UP: The athletes use every part of the set-up.
3. GUTS: A rare, new or risky move is shown.
4. PROPS: An athlete uses a tool to improve his performance (ball, bottle, phone, …)
If both athletes don’t make use of any of the points above, the overall impression is
Judges shall first judge MUSIC FIT, if neither of the athletes fulfill this criterion they should
be judged by USE of the SET-UP, and so on. Making mediocre use of all the creativity subcategories
ranks the athlete higher than an athlete who only focuses on point one (MUSIC
If both athletes do not make use of any of the 4 given points stated above (creativity subcategories),
the overall impression is judged.
Every athlete is allowed to use help from 1 object and/or 1 person during his run.
4.4. Music
4.4.1. For the first round in every battle the athlete is allowed to submit a track of her/his choice including the timecode where the song should start to play. According to “4.2.2.” the song starts to play 5 seconds before that timecode.
(The round-timer starts at the chosen timecode as stated in “4.2.3.”)
4.4.2. For the second round the athlete must choose from a pool of music which is divided into 3 categories:
– Slow (Suited for statics and slow strength moves and controlled bar dances)
– Middle (Suited for strength-dynamics combos with dynamic elements)
– Fast (Suited for fast-pace dynamic combos)
4.4.3. The athlete must submit their choice of music + timecode 3 weeks prior to the battle.
4.4.4. If the athlete doesn’t submit any music until the deadline, the DJ will play music from the pool. The athlete can then only choose the pace (Slow, Middle, Fast)
4.5. Judging
4.5.1. Judges
A team of five judges are elected advisedly by the WORLD OF BARHEROES head organizer team. Every judge has a perfect knowledge about the sport, the difficulty and the proper execution of the moves. Every judge independently and objectively asses every athlete with the best of knowledge and conscience.
The judges choose upon if either athlete 1 (“blue”) or athlete 2 (“red”) has won the battle.
4.5.2. Tasks Every judge judges every category. The judges are allowed to take notes during the battle. The judges consider the variety between the rounds. (A repeated combo and excessive use of a trick will be valued less.) The judges decide if an athlete was better than his opponent in every category with an “either-or” system. The judges must not communicate with each other. The judging time for each category must not exceed 10 seconds. Within this time every judge decides which of the two athletes gets the point by pressing the red or the blue buzzer. Within the 10 seconds the judge can change his mind. After the elapsed time the result is logged in and cannot be changed. A clear auditive signal will state the end of every judging period.
4.6. Winner assessment
4.6.1. The judging boards are displayed on the WOB-Stage clearly visible for athletes, judges & the audience.
– White dots: Votes from the judges
– Red/Blue dots: Display the point for the category won by the athlete
4.6.2. The points in each category show up simultaneously, the categories themselves are shown consecutively.
4.6.3. One athlete wins a category if she/he achieves more than 3 points.
4.6.4. The athlete wins the round if she/he wins 3 categories.
4.6.5. Important note: The athlete with the most categories wins and not with the most overall points! In the extreme example below, athlete “red” wins, since she/he won 3 categories even though she/he 7 points less in total.
Categories won: 2 (blue dots) Categories won: 3 (red dots)
Points achieved: 16 (white dots) Points achieved: 9 (white dots)
Approved by the board of directors of WORLD OF BARHEROES. [A-Z]
Vienna on 7th of June 2019
Note: The WOB Format is subject to intellectual property, using it without permission will result in legal consequences.